Monday, May 11, 2009


IMG_3308, originally uploaded by larry4angie.

I see you mom and dad


IMG_3314, originally uploaded by larry4angie.

the girls


Friday, May 1, 2009


well hello everyone! tony and i are doing great we are buying kailee and chads trailer and im going to miss them soooo much im not ready for my best friend to leave me! i love my family so much and am so greatful for them all.... just wanted to say hi and i love you all!!!!

p.s. the song i loved her first thats so mine and my daddys song!!!! hehe

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Love my Family

Joshua and I just finished wrestling each other and I kicked his butt!! Of course he doesn't admit it. I have to enjoy the sweet taste of victory while I can because he will be too big too soon for me to beat him. I love him......I love it when he grabs me and starts to dance with me! My heart melts and sadly that too may come to an end in the near future so I try to relish this closeness while I can:) His favorite is the TANGO but he loves to do the females moves on that dance......It is cute, my baby.
This is still a work in progress.........I am learning how to make this better. I want to figure out how to add music and website to our blog. Any hints??

Wednesday, January 21, 2009